How to build a blockchain with Go LogRocket Blog


The choice should depend upon your familiarity and app requirements. Another reason why we pick Ethereum is that it uses Solidity. Solidity is explicitly made to deploy and create dApps and smart contracts. It is easy to learn and gives you the flexibility to experiment.

  • It has the potential to change everything around us and impact industries in an unprecedented way, just like how electricity and the internet changed our day-to-day lives.
  • You are now ready to explore all that you can do with blockchain.
  • Note that you cannot send funds to the same address you used to deploy the contract.
  • Without a doubt the blockchain technology used wisely, it can help society with a number of pressing issues.

The first line of code specifies which version of Solidity we are using to write the smart contract. Next, we need to use the contract keyword and create a Todo contract. This tutorial, however, is on how to build an app using blockchain.

How to Create a Blockchain From Scratch in Go

We will walk you through each step of the process, from defining the Block and Blockchain classes to testing the blockchain, and explain the logic and code in detail. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of blockchain technology and a simple blockchain that you can build upon and customize to your own needs. So, instead of a centralized database, all the transactions (data) that are shared across the nodes are contained in blocks, which are chained together to create the ledger. This ledger represents all the data in the blockchain.

building blockchain from scratch

Once installed, you should be able to utilize it through the command-line tool. You do not want the easy way, but want to learn blockchain the hard way. Do not worry, as, in this section, we are going to create a todo list app using Ethereum smart contracts.

Building a Blockchain

Blockchain is a masterpiece that needs to be engineered the way it’s supposed to be. I will add to each line of code some comments in order for you to understand what I am doing. You can’t program something you don’t understand, right? Blockchain is not a digital currency, Blockchain is a set of different technologies that had already existed before its creation. Blockchain solutions can be private, public or hybrid.

Using the previous block’s hash value to generate the current block’s hash value is incredibly powerful, because it effectively locks the data inside every previous block. Remember that a hash value is the result of its input, and even small adjustments to that input result in dramatically different hash values. If someone were to adjust the timestamp or hash value in Block 1, then the hash values for Block 2 and Block 3 would no longer match what has been written to the blockchain. This mismatch occurs because Block 2’s and Block 3’s hash values depend on Block 1’s hash value.

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Now, with the block and the chain, let’s create a simple blockchain. These two basic ingredients come together in a blockchain to store information that is widespread and difficult to alter. Blockchains are built from a series of “blocks” that each contain information. Each block is “chained” together by storing the hashed value of a previous block.

building blockchain from scratch

The Blockchain instance will be created on the basis of the Blockchain platform you choose. This leads us to the end of how to create a blockchain article. We covered quite a bit of content and tried to look at the question from both the learner or a business perspective. So, what do you think about creating your own blockchain? These BaaS are very useful for businesses as it gives them the ability to create new blockchain networks and apps on it without the need to create the infrastructure for them. They also do not have to spend on maintenance for these deployments as the company offering the service does all those stuff.

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And blockchains have had a big effect on software, the economy and internet culture in the form of cryptocurrency, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and public ledgers of ownership. Solidity is the main programming language used to build most smart contracts because it is specifically designed for that purpose. It follows the OOP pattern that we demonstrated using JavaScript and borrows the typed nature of TypeScript.

building blockchain from scratch

This means that the hash will have to be generated several times, and a record of what changes on each iteration will be kept for reference purposes. Blockchain technology falls under the category of Web 3 simply because it is the third phase of the internet in which users can read, write, and own data. Web 1 was the stage where users could only read data. Web 2 emerged sometime around the early 2000s and is the phase in which users can read and write data. In contrast, the difficulty property defines the minimum effort miners must undertake to mine and include a block in the blockchain. To avoid recalculating the latest state of each customer’s balance, Andrej creates a ./database/state.json file storing the balances in an aggregated format.

How to Create A Blockchain Application/ Solution From a Business Perspective

To rebuild the entire chain with the new tampered data is an expensive task. Moreover, the change has to be propagated to the entire network, i.e., to all the copies of blockchain in every node. This brings mutation, an expensive operation to blockchain. We will also see in the next posts that consensus algorithms like proof of work will further add even more difficulty to re-chain a blockchain, making it almost immutable (51% attack).

building blockchain from scratch

Examples of decentralized applications include Bitcoin and Ethereum, while centralized applications include Facebook and Google. This tutorial assumes that building blockchain from scratch you understand some foundational coding concepts. One of these that will be particularly helpful is the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP).

Calculating the hash of a block

Also, do not worry if you cannot come with an idea that changes the landscape. It is okay to build simple dApps just for the sake of learning and practice. All these characteristics make decentralized apps very useful in the current enterprise environment. The apps are also capable of using tokens that can be used to take advantage of the features offered by the app.